As we head into winter, you might notice that your ageing dog may be walking a bit more stiffly and finding it harder to jump up and down off the lounge.
If this is the case, then your senior dog may have arthritis. Being a degenerative joint disease, arthritis is often seen in older pets. While it is a common ailment, it is possible to slow down its progression and have your dog live a long and relatively active life.
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is caused when the cartilage between joints becomes damaged, resulting in swelling and stiffness. Arthritis is more common in older dogs due to the wear and tear on their joints from years of activity, which slowly degrades the cartilage over time. It is possible for dogs to be diagnosed at a younger age, but this is typically due to genetics, obesity or as a result of an injury.
How do I know if my senior dog has arthritis?
Arthritis symptoms typically develop slowly over time and can include both physical and behavioural changes. Many pet owners notice their dog having trouble with stairs or getting up and down and put it down to old age. However, this decrease in mobility may well be a sign of arthritis.

Other symptoms can include:
- Reluctance to jump up onto the bed or a chair
- Tiredness, and less interest in going for walks or playing
- Limping or stiffness in legs during or after walking
- Loss of muscle tone
- Licking or chewing at their legs
- Having toileting accidents inside
- Sensitivity when touched on their legs
- Irritability
How is arthritis diagnosed?
It is important to make an appointment with your vet if you notice any of the above signs. While they are common symptoms of arthritis in senior dogs, they can also be an indication of other illnesses and conditions.
At Bryants Road Vet, we allow 30 minutes for every appointment, so your vet can spend plenty of time with your pet and answer any questions you may have. At your consultation, your vet will conduct an extensive physical examination of your dog to check for stiffness and pain in their joints, as well as to rule out any other health issues. They will also have a lengthy discussion with you about any symptoms or behavioural changes you may have noticed. Your vet may perform blood tests and X-rays to get a full picture of your dog’s health.
How is arthritis treated?
While arthritis can’t be cured, there are a number of ways to help manage your dog’s pain and keep them as active as possible. Once your vet has made a diagnosis of arthritis, they will discuss the treatment options that are appropriate for your dog, considering their age, the progression of the condition, and any other underlying health conditions.
One new treatment that we have been seeing some really good results with lately in the clinic is a monthly monoclonal antibody injection called Beransa. This medication targets nerve growth factors, and the response improves with subsequent monthly injections. There are also pentosan polysulfate injections that have been around for a long time and are a good, affordable option. These injections are given once a week for four weeks, and then every 3 to 6 months.
Other options include natural supplements, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication (known as NSAIDs) and other forms of analgesia. When it comes to using NSAIDs in older dogs, we will also perform a blood test to ensure the liver and kidneys are OK before commencing this course of treatment.
How you can help your dog at home
Keeping your senior dog active, with shorter, slow walks, and controlling their weight are another two important elements of managing arthritis. Your vet will also recommend some ways that you can help your dog at home with their daily activities. These could include:
- Placing your dog’s bed at floor level for easy access. The bed should be nice and padded, with lots of blankets to keep them warm during colder nights.
- Installing pet-friendly ramps to make it easier for your dog to get to their favourite resting spots, such as on your bed or the couch.
- Elevating their food and water bowls so your dog doesn’t need to bend down unnecessarily.
- Placing rugs down on slippery surfaces that are heavily frequented by your dog.
- Helping your dog into the car.
Early diagnosis is key
While arthritis is a progressive condition, an early diagnosis and appropriate management plan can help keep your dog happy and comfortable for a long time.
To make an appointment, you can book online, call us on 07 3801 1744 or drop into our Loganholme vet clinic at 141 Bryants Road.