Bryants Road Vet – Personalised, professional care for your pets

Managing your pet’s spring allergies

Spring is here and the weather is well and truly warming up. Along with this beautiful weather, the change in season brings with it a wave of pollen, grass seeds, spores, and dust that can trigger allergies – not just in humans but also in our pets.

While identifying and treating seasonal allergies in people is pretty straightforward, managing your pet’s allergies can be more challenging.

Common signs of spring allergies in pets

To effectively manage your pet’s spring allergies, the first step is to recognise the signs that they may be affected. Here are some common indicators to look out for:

  • Skin Irritation – Have you noticed your pet licking, biting, chewing or scratching their skin more often? They might have irritated or inflamed skin caused by an allergy.
  • Sores – In severe cases, allergies can cause intense irritation, prompting your pet to incessantly scratch and bite their skin. This can result in wounds that are prone to infection, leading to the development of red, pus-filled sores that may spread if left untreated.
  • Hair loss – Untreated skin allergies can progress to the point where your pet’s relentless scratching, licking, chewing, and biting causes noticeable hair loss. This is particularly common in cats, where itching can trigger over-grooming.
  • Runny nose or watery eyes – Much like many humans who suffer from allergies, pets can also experience symptoms such as a runny nose and red, watery eyes.
  • Coughing and sneezing – If your pet starts coughing, sneezing or wheezing (more common in cats) they may be experiencing spring allergies.
  • Itchy ears – If you’ve seen your pet vigorously scratching their ears or repeatedly shaking their head, it could be due to itchy ears. Pollen or seeds entering their ears can cause itching and, if untreated, lead to ear infections.
Cat scratching its ears in Loganholme

Proactive steps to manage your pet’s spring allergies

  • Anti-itch products – Topical treatments including creams and sprays may help to give your pet a break from the itching. However, be careful to only use products specifically made for pets. Human treatments might do more harm than good for your furry friend.
  • Remove allergens or pollens – Consider a lukewarm bath for your pet (avoid hot water to prevent skin irritation). Using hypoallergenic oatmeal-based shampoos made for pets can soothe itching and inflammation. If bathing isn’t an option, gently wipe down their coat, underside, legs, and paws after walks or outdoor play.
  • Flea and tick preventative – Another important aspect of managing your pet’s spring allergies is to ensure they are protected from fleas and ticks. These pesky parasites can exacerbate allergy symptoms and introduce other health issues.
  • Change your walking routine – Pollen levels tend to be higher during the warmer parts of the day, as well as on dry, windy days. To reduce your pet’s allergen exposure, on windy days, opt to stay indoors. Otherwise, plan your walks for the evening when pollen levels are typically lower.
  • Allergy relieving medications – Pet-safe allergy relief medications may provide some relief. The correct dosage will depend on your pets’ weight and their individual needs so it’s best to chat to your vet for advice before starting your pet on a new medication.

When should your pet see the vet about spring allergies?

If your pet appears to be experiencing itchiness, irritation, signs of infection or has areas of redness and inflammation on their skin, it’s time to see your vet.

Many of the symptoms associated with spring allergies typically don’t resolve without treatment and may even get worse if not addressed promptly.

Bryants Road Vet is here to help

If your pet is experiencing discomfort from seasonal allergy symptoms despite your best efforts, Bryants Road Vet is here to help. Our experienced veterinary team is ready to assist you in identifying and treating your pet’s spring allergies.

To make an appointment at our Loganholme vet clinic, book online or call us on 07 3801 1744.